

Our Core Values


We are committed to living according to the teaching and example of Jesus, through the redemptive work and power of the triune God.


We are committed to each other in mutual, give-and-take relationships. We try to be collaborative in all aspects of church life.


We are committed to being a welcoming and inclusive environment for people of all kinds to belong.


Living according to the teaching and example of Jesus, through the redemptive work and power of the triune God.

A core value for us at TBPC is discipleship. Put simply: who are we becoming? We are being shaped and formed by so many forces in our modern world. This is not all bad or all good - it's just a fact. Being a disciple of Jesus means that we are intentional about what is shaping us. Specifically, we want to be formed in such a way that the end product is an individual/community that is more like Jesus, who is marked by faith, hope, and love, by justice and peace.

Because discipleship is a core value, we prioritize:

  • Worship that is rooted in Scripture
  • Small groups that meet regularly to study Scripture or books geared toward spiritual growth
  • Service to each other and the community
  • Preparation for worship throughout the week, not just on Sundays
  • Opportunities for reflection, confession, and silence (instead of constant stimulation)


Committed, mutual, give-and-take relationships. Collaboration where all have a chance to contribute.

Community is another core value at TBPC. Although, as a Presbyterian church, we do have paid staff, a pastor, and a Session comprised of elected elders and deacons, the vision we have is one where all have a chance to contribute in their unique ways. We have found that the best way to belong is to have a part to play, to feel fully invested in what the church is becoming. At the same time, we realize that contributing looks different for different people at various seasons of life. We seek to honor boundaries and encourage all to only commit to what they are able and willing to handle.

Because community is a core value, we prioritize:

  • Good listening to one another, even amid differences of opinion, belief, and personality
  • Co-collaboration on projects where the input of all is valued
  • Opportunities for all to participate in or lead aspects of the worship services, regardless of age, experience level, or gender
  • Enthusiastic support and backing for all types of creative ideas in line with our mission


A welcoming and inclusive environment for people of all kinds to belong.

Another core value at TBPC is hospitality. Our desire is that any and all who wish to be here feel welcome here. In our church, there are people all of ages and stages of life, people with different religious and political beliefs, and a wide range of personalities. On top of that, we are intentional about opening up our building to the town of Bellbrook. Our space is truly a place for the whole community to gather and connect - not just our church members.

Because hospitality is a core value, we prioritize:

  • Warmly welcoming visitors to our Sunday service and events
  • Making our building available to use for groups and organizations in the community

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